Friday, January 27, 2023

WEEK 5 – Oops - The Reports of my Death are Greatly Exaggerated...

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

This year, I’ve decided to participate in “52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks” Genealogical Challenge (#52Ancestors). This is a way of chronicling my ancestors and getting the information out of my filing cabinet and out to friends and family.
If you can add to the information or have your own stories, please feel free to add them in the comments. Who knows, perhaps you’ll help me break through a few of my brick walls.
#52Ancestors in 52 Weeks
WEEK 5 – Oops - The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated... (David Robertson, My Great Grandfather)

The 6th of March 1920 was a fair but cold Saturday in Ottawa, Canada.  When David Robertson (my great-grandfather) sat down to enjoy his breakfast and read his morning newspaper, he was understandably shocked to see his photograph prominently displayed, under a large banner declaring, "Died Suddenly".

Unfortunately, the morning newspapers of the Ottawa Citizen were not preserved. Only copies of the Evening Editions remain.

The Evening Edition included the following retraction:

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